Oddysee 006: curated by RAMZi
by oddysee
A selection of treasured goodies and recent discoveries by Montreal's very own Phoebé Guillemot!
Phoebé has been marching to the celestial beat of her own drum since her mystical sounds oozed onto the scene in 2013. With the release of her beautiful new album ‘Cocon’ on the horizon, she shares some of her favourite Bandcamp releases from the likes of Cabaret du Ciel, Sui Zhen, Cousin, Low Budget Aliens, Andrea, I Believe and more. Head over to our website to find her accompanying words.
- BuyCabaret Du Ciel -
Cabaret Du Ciel - "Skies In The Mirror" (HYB.001) - BuySui Zhen -Remote Control
Losing, Linda - BuyI Believe -
I Believe - Outside Time EP - BuyCousin -MOONSHOE
Echo Flats - BuyDJ NIGGA FOX -
Faz a Minha - BuyLow Budget Aliens -3XL
Junk DNA - BuyN-GYNN -
Collateral - Buygrain -
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